Today I just want to go back….

I just want to go back and really want a peaceful life… I am not angry with anyone, because now I need freedom..

Freedom from everything, maybe freedom from your thoughts, freedom from your memories, freedom from sadness, freedom from this life…

I want to know that what will you gain by knowing how much I am hurt.. do you want to know what percentage of hurt you have given me..

I don’t even remember who has contributed how much in this pain, neither they will remember how much pain they gave me or wanted to give me…

So, what will you get by knowing how much hurt I am?

Now I am not scared of the dark nights, because I sleep in the arms of lonely nights…

Now I fear the daylight, as the light shows me the reality… and Now I don’t want to see anything … I Just want a peaceful life…

I know you might me thinking that what is the pain in your life.. but I don’t want to listen to these questions, I don’t want to answer these questions..

Because I cannot explain you in words and you will not be able to understand my silence… as it’s just that I don’t want to think about who gave me how much and what sort of Pain

I am not a great writer or a poet neither I know how to write a thematic poetry (Nazm)… I just write when I am not able to understand myself…

I write when I am not able to express the feelings to anyone.. I write then I get numb and am falling short of words to say…. I just type it down my heart over a paper…

maybe you will like it, maybe you will feel its all waste of time…

As I only write when I am not able to find my own existence.. I only write when I am not able to Breath, when I feel suffocated.. the pain inside me doesn’t allow me to breath..

That is the time when I borrow some air to breath from words and pen it down on a piece of paper…. Which I am not able to say it to anyone…

I know it’s a weird thing as I only write when I am not able to express or say it directly.. I want to hear something from you but there is no sound from you…

I want to sleep but I don’t feel sleepy… I want to cry but there are no tears left in my eyes… I really don’t know the rules of writing the way the great writers express it…

I only write when I want to go away from myself, I write only when I want to tell you how much I miss you, I write you when I want you to know how much important you are for me…

I only write when I feel defeated by myself… I just want to stay back… see you every day.. smiling, being happy, Dancing… I just want a peaceful life..     


                                              I just want to Rest in Peace!!!!!!!


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