
Showing posts from February, 2019

A love Story !!!!!!!

It's about that time when I lost my love, the reason I am saying lost is because according to me she was always mine and I was always her however for her I am Mr. Nobody "A useless person".  So basically, like every person I am a lover who recently had a breakup or got to know that I was never her priority and she never valued my emotions for her or loved me. There is a special thing about people like me, they try and find time to remember the moments they have spent with the person they love. It's just a matter of few seconds where I was thinking that I will never remember her or think about her. So as my heart was trying to convince me that you should forget about her and try not to remember her as from long time you are trying to forget her. However, in few seconds even my heart replied “It’s ok let’s think about her” it’s just that the conclusion or end result has given you pain, you still have sweet memories saved with you!!!!!!! Next few minu...


Why is that I don’t understand, why? Why is that I am able to see everything in that one person and she is not able to see anything in me, why? Why is it that I want to see her, but I know I will not be able to see her again, why? I want to see her like my friend, my love, my better half, my partner in crime and my everything, but I know I will never see her again! Is it that she has found someone else that she never returned to me? Why is it that I feel that she loves me and considered to be her and then threw me into garbage in one second, why? As if there was nothing between us. Why is that she holds my hand every time she is with me and when I told her one day about this, She denied by saying I did it and she didn’t? Couldn’t she leave my hand or deny or would have asked me to stop it, why didn’t she stop me? Why she couldn’t accept that she was the one who wanted to hold my hand under the table, Why? Why is it that I always felt that she is only and...

ए मोहोबत तु कभी मुजसे रूठना मत !

ए मोहोबत मुजे ज़रा वक़्त लगेगा तु कभी मुजसे रूठना मत ! कुछ वक़्त खर्च होगा भरोसा दिलाने मे  कुछ वक्त खर्च होगा इरादों को मखसद बननाने में कुछ वक्त लगेगा तुझे पाने में हो सके तो तू रूठना मत मैं जानता हूँ तू मेरे लिए रुक नहीं सकती मेरी बातों में आकर तू फस नहीं सकती तू मेरे अल्फाज़ नहीं तू मेरे दिल की ज़ुबान समझती है मुझसे दूर रहकर तू हर वक्त मुझे परखती है जब मिलेंगे हम तो थोड़ा हस कर थोड़ा रो कर  दिखाऊंगा टूटते - टूटते सँभलने के हज़ारो किस्से सुनाऊंगा ए मोहोबत मुजे ज़रा वक़्त लगेगा तु कभि मुजसे रूठना मत ! मेरी कोशिशों को पहचान मिलनी बाकी है मेरे पागलपन का इम्तेहान अभी बाकी है पर तुझे पाने का जज़्बा अभी काफी है  तुझसे मिलने का ख्वाब अभी पूरा होना बाकी है खुदसे किया है जो वादा वह ज़रूर निभाउंगा तू मुझसे नाराज़ होजाना मैं तुजे शिद्धत से मनाऊंगा तू ठिकाने बदलती रेहना मैं तुझ तक पहुँच कर दिखूँगा तू बस थोड़ा सा सबर रखना, हो सके तो मेरी चाहत की कदर रखना ए मोहोबत मुजे ज़रा वक़्त लगेगा तु कभी मुजसे रूठना...

She said I am not confused, not at all but the confusion continues for me :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Do you love me? I asked this and she replied “No I love Someone else” The confusion continues……. A different person, when I see her and when I think about her.. A different person when I thought She loves me and when I loved her There was different color hidden in her face She was a different person when she is quite and different when a chatter box I saw her changing behavior while walking paths together She was calm like lake, but when I started knowing her, she was deep like an ocean full of secrets. You will never be able to recognize her Unknowingly she is different but when you know her, she is different Seriously, I’m confused she I let her go or hold her tight She is different if I let her go and she will be different if I hold her tight At times, she is an enemy, she is a secret holder and she is a stranger I love writing about her however whenever I pen down my feelings, she is way different in my though...